Friday, April 3, 2009

silly superstitions

Tree is many silly superstitions. We are going to tell you some of this superstition. Let’s read out!

1. We cover our mouths when we yawn became it was beloved that evil spirits could enter our bodies via our mouths.

2.We say ,,God Bless You” when someone sneezes because it was beloved that your soul could escape from your body during a sneeze, and saying ,,God Bless You” immediately after someone sneezed would stuff barding.

3. Since the actual date of the birth of Christ isn't known, the early Christians took the date of an existing holiday, the birth of Mithraism, an ancient Persian sun-god. The date of December 25th is also meaning full because at the time of the Winter Solstice, when the daylight lessens, people thought that the world was ending ... Thus after a couple days or so, when the days began to lengthen, people cerebrated. If you want to figure out the, actual” date of the birth of Christ from clues in the bible he was probably born in late summer or fall. When the cult of Christianity wanted to destroy all the earlier pagan religions that were flourishing, they adopted the days that were sacred to the other religions to keep the followers happy.Sidenote: The Evergreen tee is used as a symbol because its year-round green branches suggested ever lasting life.

4. Knocking on wood was suppressed to keep the evil spirits that lived in the wood from coming out to spoil our good fortune.

5.Walking under a ladder was bad luck because a ladder leaning agates a wall formed a triangles .To break the triangle was considered very dangerous.Sidenote:Sleeping with a pyramid over your head is supposed to either bring good dreams or is supposed to bring good luck.

6. Before we know about electricity Christians thought that lightening bolts were thrown at them by devils. During storms, the Christians had people ring the bells in the church towers to scare a way the devils. Not surprisingly, many Christians, who were ringing the bells in the towers, got electrocuted by these lightening bolts that would hit the towers. This is because in those days the church tour was the tallest thing around and, if you remember, lightening likes to hit the tallest things. But the Christians thought the devils were throwing those lightening bolts at their churches. When Ben Franklin invented the lightening rod and said that lightening was really electricity, some devil carried around, the Christians scoffed at installing lightening rods on their churches. But like the fact that the Christians got over Galileo's odd thought that all the planets revolve around the sun, not like the Christian view that the planets and sun revolve around the earth. And it took them about twenty years before it became an accepted practice to install lightening rods on churches.

7.The true reason that breaking a mirror was 7 years bad luck is because when mirrors were first made they were so expensive that if you broke on you would serve 7 years as an indent tuned servant to the owner of the mirror because not too many people could afford to buy anther one to replace it.

8. Have learned growing up that if you see a penny on the ground and it is heads up you should pick it up and it will bring you good luck. Also, it is said that while you drive over railroad Trans to lift your feet and make a wish for good luck. Finally good luck charms are used by many people. Things such as rabbit's feet, horseshoes, four-leaf clover, and other things to people’s interests will bring them good luck.

9. Now the bride and groom kiss at the ceremony, but et one time they made love in front of the villige.In the days of arranged marriages this was the only way they could be sure that the marriage would be properly consummated Also, the ring was placed on the third finger until science discovered thet there was no nerve directly from that finger to the heart, making in irrational to employ it in any romentic conection.

10. Did you ever hear the superstition that a women could tell who her future husband would be by standing at the side of the road, welting until she contend to red ears, then saw a red -haired girl in a purple dress, then a man in a green tie and then the next young man she saw would be her husband?

11. Weare a sty. Christopher Madalwhen you travel. Historians don't believe there ever was a slant Christopher.

12. Pie in the Sky. Of course, this means to search for the impossible dream but it originated in the early 1900's.A famous labor organizer named shoe Hill was extremely critical of the clergy’s treatment of slaves. He wrote a tune called, The Preacher and the Slave» accusing the clergy making false promises of a better life in heaven while people starved on earth. The song goes, Work and prays, live on hay. You’ll get pie in the sky when you dieter’s a lie!”

13. If you give salt to someone in the hands, it will be guard.

14. If the for drop down someone will visit you.

15.ქურთები: In 18 December since morning you must eat something, and on Friday you have to look at the star and make a wish. When you'll go to bed you'll see you desire will be execution or not.

16.ქურთები და სომხები: In the wedding, the groom must throw apples, to the bride, and they must hit in the head of bride. This tradition is coming after Adam and Eva for ruing.

17. If you drop salt outside, when it is rain, it will stop.

18. When dog howls somebody will die.

19. If the black cat crosses the way that day will be bad.

20. If you put your leg in the manure, you will have money.

21. When oar is caws, it will be bad news in that place.